Here’s How To Clean And Disinfect Everything In Your Home
If you’re wondering about how to clean and disinfect everything in your home, this post will give you all the information you need. These days, disinfecting is more important than ever! You may have thought of many places to disinfect, but there may be some that you have not thought about, yet. There are also some products that you can use to make your own disinfectant, while some you can buy already made.
Believe it or not, disinfecting should be done in ADDITION to cleaning. So keep reading because you’re about to see ways to disinfect everything in your home!
Pro Tip: Read more to know other disinfecting services. This will be helpful for you.
Products to Have on Hand to Make Your Own Disinfectant:
- Hydrogen Peroxide
- Rubbing Alcohol
- Bleach
- Essential Oils (note: please pay special attention to what you use, depending on the members of your household, as some oils are safe for children and pets, while others are not)
- Lavender
- Peppermint
- Tea Tree
- Lemongrass
- Orange
When you are searching for good DIY mixtures with the above ingredients, be sure to label everything and take note of how they are to be used. Different mixtures, like different ready-made products, may have different ways to be used.
Pre-Made Disinfecting Products
Neither of these lists are extensive, but definitely should cover your disinfecting needs. The EPA’s website has a detailed list of disinfectants that can be used.
Tips and Notes For Disinfecting Your Home
- Follow CDC Guidelines.
- Clean purchased items/bags/packages as they come into your home.
- Take your shoes off at the door.
- Keep a clothes basket near the door to place used reusable masks for washing.
- Ideally, your hands should be washed before and after removing your mask.
- Wash hands upon entering residence.
- Make a checklist.
- Spray down frequently touched areas at least 1-3 times daily, such as doorknobs, buttons, faucet handles and levers, toilet levers, keyboards, light switches, shower/bath levers and knobs, etc.
- To improve air quality, open windows on any day possible, turn on ceiling fans, and try adding an air purifier (or a couple of them) to your home.
- Wear gloves while working, and wash hands when finished.
- Use different gloves for bathroom and kitchen- don’t mix.
- Use good ventilation.
- Follow directions on pre-made products’ labels.
- Disinfecting may require making the area visibly wet and letting sit that way for a variant amount of time. Set a timer to help you keep track of time.
- This is a big one! Clean FIRST, then disinfect.
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To Disinfect the Kitchen
- For counter tops and other surfaces, you can use any of the above pre-made disinfectants. Please follow instructions on the actual bottles, for best and safest results with home cleaning.
- For floors, you can use a pre-made product, diluted with water. Another way to help keep your hard floors sanitized and aiding in your floor cleaning is investing in a steam mop. Some of these only require water and use heat with the water to sanitize floors.
- For dishes, wear gloves and use hot water. If using a dishwasher, see if it has a sanitizing function. If so, you can use it along with your regular cycle to help get your dishes disinfected.
- For groceries, bring them into one area. Wipe them all down before putting them away. Then, wipe down the area where you started this process. This includes “spot cleaning” the floor, if you had to wear your outside shoes on your floor to get the groceries into your home.
- You will want to annually hire a commercial cleaning company for floor waxing and carpet cleaning too.
To Disinfect the Bathroom
- For countertops/surfaces, please see this topic under the “Kitchen” heading. There is a good chance that you will be leaving store brand products on visibly wet for around 10 minutes to fully sanitize. Please check your specific product to use it correctly.
- For floors, please see this topic under the “Kitchen” heading, as well. You can clean as usual, but adding a steam mop to part of your routine will help up your disinfection game.
- For the toilet, you can use a store brand product to spray and leave for the time that you spray the countertops/other surfaces.
- For showers/bathtubs, try Scrubbing Bubbles ® because this amazing bathroom cleaner ALSO disinfects (win)! Read the directions to do this properly.
To Disinfect the Bedroom/Laundry
- After emptying the mask basket (or wherever you kept your soiled reusable masks and/or work clothing), be sure to give it a disinfecting spray.
- For clothing/towels/bed sheets, you can use an additive, such as a color-safe bleach or Lysol ® Laundry Sanitizer to help disinfect your fabrics.
- Wash fabrics as warm as you can, and allow to dry completely (go as warm as your garments/linens allow). You would be surprised how much the dryer can help you kill of germs!
- You can wash clothes you wore in public along with clothes you wore at home.
- For your bed mattress, you can use something like the Clorox® Fabric Sanitizer Spray in between changing bed sheets.
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To Disinfect Miscellaneous Rooms/Areas
- For trash and garbage cans, use bags when possible. Kitchen bags work well in the taller garbage cans. For those little trash cans you have in the bathrooms, you can reuse shopping bags (that you have wiped down previously, when you first brought them home). If its a lot of garbage, you may consider hiring a junk removal service company.
- For your home office, wipe down or spray your keyboard, mouse, and any other surface that is touched frequently.
- For extra disinfecting, wipe down your phone, keys, and wallet every so often. Make an extra effort to do this after work or an errand run.
- For carpet/rug areas/furniture, you can use something like Clorox® Fabric Sanitizer Spray.
- For couch pillows, send through washer once a month, and for the time in between, you can give them a spray, like the furniture/carpet/ rugs.
Disinfecting is more important than ever this year to help you protect yourself and your family from all those yucky germs out there! There are many places to disinfect, and some of them need to be done at least once daily. Make yourself a checklist, if it will help. Be sure to remember how to clean and disinfect everything in your home to keep your family healthy and safe!
I hope “how to clean and disinfect everything in your home” has helped you and wish you all the best.
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